Love at first sight for Juilletdanse?

Everyone’s support is welcome!

The festival needs...

… Festival buddies...

With CHF 250, you become a festival buddy! You will be invited to a dinner with the artists on saturday or sunday.
An absolute not to be missed experience!

-> Become a festival buddy

Deposit: IBAN CH73 0900 0000 6068 8175 7
Ref «Festival buddy»


Did you know that the festival’s programme requires a total of 837 hours of work in various backstage, technical support, cooking, bartending, till and door keeping activities? Come and share your time and skills with us, great moments guaranteed! You can even bring a friend with!

-> Become a volunteer

...T-shirt bearers...

You can buy and wear the official festival t-shirt and bear the festival’s image. New colours available for CHF 25, your personal support!

-> Order your t-shirt

...Members of the association...

Juilletdanse is a project of the Danse Creations Association. By becoming a member for CHF 30 per year, you actively support the association’s projects and will enjoy CHF 5 for the registration for classes! (Valid once per event)

-> Become a member

... And most simply, money!

Artistic and cultural projects cannot exist without financial support. Any donation is welcome and includes the joy of supporting us! The artists, the audience and the culture all thank you very much in advance!

Deposit: IBAN CH73 0900 0000 6068 8175 7

Ref «support»

Juilletdanse. A festival to be shared.


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