Friday 4 to Sunday 6 July, PUBLIC VENUES

Synchronised creation in real-time multi-country urban settings

We can watch at dancing, try it, touch it, practice it and discuss it. Juilletdanse is proud to offer artists and amateurs all aspects of this art. The festival commits to appeal to the most disinterested people trough the creation project «Move in town» set in urban areas.

With its 7th edition DANCE FOR CHANGE, the urban project will reach beyond the Swiss borders! Protagonists from previous editions will perform a participative creation on the theme of water simultaneously in cities within their respective country and under the watchful eyes of passersby who may as well become part of it. The dancers' work will be boradcast live on the social networks.

Free from structures and material hindrance, the artists of the 2014 “Move in town” are committed towards a common vision: art and dance constitute a communication medium capable of generating change.

Art to generate change.

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Photo: Juilletdanse 2012 / danse créations  (all rights reserved)

Sunday 6 July, 19h30, SCHOENBERG

Finale du projet «Move in town - l‘Or bleu»

19h30 arrivée des danseurs

20h00 Introduction par M. Noël Ndjékéry, écrivain

suivi par l‘échange avec les équipes des autres pays via skype. Présentation finale par l‘équipe fribourgeoise.

Information about the companies and the venues in the five countries:

L'Or bleu à Fribourg/SUISSE.pdf

L'Or bleu à Bezons/FRANCE.jpg

L'Or bleu à Abidjan/CÔTE D‘IVOIRE.jpg

L'or bleu à Ndjamena/Tchad.pdf

L'or bleu à Yaoundé/Cameroun.pdf

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